1. Apno Samvad apno Vistar *: Cleanliness and adequate infrastructure facilities. Addresses garbage accumulation, overflowing drains and water logging during the monsoon season, and urges residents to join Saath’s Slum Networking Project for improved infrastructure.
2. Apno Samvad Ekta Par *: Communal Harmony. Discusses religious tension in the context of Diwali and Ramzaan holidays, which fell upon the same dates in 2006.
3. Ek Paglu Navi Disha Taraf *: Livelihoods for youth. Highlights opportunities for vulnerable and lower income groups to improve their economic standing, including Saath’s livelihood training program for youth, ‘UDAAN.’
4. Good Morning Ahmedabad: Women’s Empowerment and Micro Finance. Promotes the empowerment of women through Saath’s Home Manager Training Project ‘URMILA’, and covers the advantages of savings through Saath’s credit cooperatives.
5. Sapnu Ej Aapnu *: Pre school education. Discusses the aanganwadi system under the Integrated Child Development Scheme, a government welfare program that aims to improve maternal and childhood health, and offeres ways to strengthen the program, including the formation of parent committees.
6. Aapnoj che Samvad: Impact of Samvad and URC. Captures the many impacts of Samvad’s first five films, including slum residents joining the Slum Networking Project, parents forming committees to improve their aanganvadies, and increased membership in Saath’s home manager training project.
7. Amne Khilva Do *: Playgrounds in Urban Slums. In a summer workshop, children were taught filmmaking techniques and then scripted and shot their own video magazine about the lack of playgrounds in their communities.
8. Ration ni Dukaan, Vardaan ke Abhishraap *: Corruption in the Public Distribution System. Exposes problems with the ration shop system, including irregular timings, and low quality and quantity of goods disbursed.
9. Maro Mat: Voting in Elections. Reveals the slow disillusionment of community voters with the Indian Electoral process and promotes the value of a single, thoughtful, fearless vote.
10. Ashaeen. Quality education in secondary schools. Questions the standard of education in free municipal schools, and shows parents how to advocate for their right to improved schools through the assistance of Saath’s Urban Resource Centers to file complaints.
11. Avu Kem?: Gender Bias. Through a video workshop, teenagers chose to make a video magazine about gender bias and discriminatory treatment.
12. Samachar Samvad: Inflation and Rising Prices. Analyzes the rising prices of essentials due to inflation and its impact on urban slum communities, and stresses the importance of savings through Saath’s MFI in order to ensure stability for the future.
13. Ek Aawaz: Domestic Violence. Documents the stories of abused and mistreated women, and shows them how to get help and access legal and psychological services from Saath’s Social Justice Program.
14. Ye He Zindagi: Widow Rehabilitation. Urges communities to treat widows with respect instead of forcing them out of greater society, and raises awareness about the government’s widow pension scheme.