Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Samvad Honors Volunteers and Community Members

On Saturday, March 20th, more than 200 people from communities in Ahmedabad, Saath and other local NGOs, gathered at the Liladhar Bhat Hall in Behrampura to celebrate the tireless and generous volunteers who support Samvad.

Samvad recognized dozens who provided electricity or a screening location and television during night and day screenings, and a number of others who have helped out in other ways.

The CVU also thanked 18 children, who had participated in a Samvad summer video training workshop.

At one point in the ceremony, a community member named Eid Mohammed Ansari came on stage and spoke about the positive affect that Samvad has had on the community.

He said that in the same way a mother steers her child in the right direction, Samvad steers the community down the correct path.
(Photo: Eid Mohammed Ansari)

See More Photos From Samvad's Volunteer Appreciation Event


  1. This is great!! Congratulations to the Samvad team for being able to create such a positive spirit of volunteering within the community.
